The Angel that presided o’er my birth Said, ‘Little creature, form’d of Joy and Mirth, ‘Go love without the help of any Thing on Earth.’ -William Blake A very long time ago, I read an article (I think it was on Cracked?) deriding the absurdity of gambling with the Devil and his subsequent defeat at the hands of Johnny as told by Charlie Daniels in “The Devil Went Down to Georgia.” Why would the Devil ever, ever participate in a fair contest, let alone play to his mark’s strengths? Who is to determine the victor—wait, the Devil is?! The Devil Himself concedes to a hapless Georgian boy when the forfeiture of his very soul is at stake? He’s gone and played right into the Devil’s hand, offered up his soul for the prospect of gaudy material gain (a golden fiddle, ha), the Devil even summons demonic assistance...and then Johnny just outplays Him and His demon band. And then the Devil just...admits defeat. Really? Yes. Yes, really. Much more recently, I learned of the now-forgott...
I am the profane absolutist. Lost are the instruments of old which would call a king to the throne, so I am called to fashion my own. Among the favored tools are my layman's grasp of human nature and untethered mysticism.