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Creed of the True King

I. Many Kings Past sought sources of power outside of Themselves: God, Royal lineage, law and order.
II. I require no such outside source.
III. My source of power is absolute.
IV. My source of power is My Royal Form, for I am a True King.
V. There were other True Kings before me, but Their names and legacies are so ancient as to render their Form indistinct from lesser Kings.
VI. I bestow upon My subjects the following description of My Royal Form not as justification for My reign, but a most just and prudent instruction as to render Myself comprehensible.
VII. I bear the lash before striking the dog.
VIII. First, My Sovereignty springs forth directly from My power and is thus absolute.
IX. I share My Sovereignty with no one.
X. My subjects do or do not as I wish.
XI. All activity within My Kingdom occurs at My behest, and such activities which I do not wish to occur, do not.
XII. Royal authority is carried out through direct command with Myself as the point of origin.
XIII. No such special oath of fealty is needed in this exercise, as I grace My subjects with the choice to obey, leave, or die.
XIV. I seek council as desired in accordance with My own judgment and prudence.
XV. To speak in My Royal Presence is to council and does not occur without My permission.
XVI. My choice of successor as True Heir to My Throne is a matter of My discretion, and succession shall occur when and as I see fit.
XVII. Second, the borders of My Kingdom are a direct reflection of My capacity to rule the land.
XVIII. My rule is uniformly absolute and always to its fullest territorial extent.
XIX. Should I become able to rule land outside the borders of My Kingdom, I must and will take it.
XX. Should I become unable to rule land within the borders of My Kingdom, I must and will cede it.
XXI. Relationships with neighboring Kingdoms ruled by True Kings are defined by mutual understanding of Our Kingdom’s borders with respect to Our capacities to maintain and expand them.
XXII. If I can take His land, I must, and I will, and He mine.
XXIII. Relationships with neighboring Sovereignties not ruled by True Kings are defined by prudence.
XXIV. I conquer their lawless land with caution, and My Royal Army stands ready to defend My Kingdom’s neighboring borders.
XXV. Relationships with Sovereignties that do not neighbor My Kingdom are defined by distant friendliness.
XXVI. Third, I am just, good, and great.
XXVII. These qualities do not at all contribute to My Sovereignty; the same would stand unchanged if I possessed none of them.
XXVIII. They are natural parts of My Royal Form: Nothing more, nothing less.
XXIX. I determine the law, and to adhere is to obey.
XXX. All crime is to disobey, and all criminals are provided the choice of exile or death.
XXXI. My subjects shall prosper under My rule because it is My desire for them to do so.
XXXII. My reign is one of perpetual glory in reflection of My Royal Form as a True King.
XXXIII. The Heir to My Throne shall carry on in the image of My Royal Form and those of the True Kings Past.


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